Drug Discovery
Residue-Level Multi-View Deep Learning for ATP Binding Site Prediction and Applications in Kinase Inhibitors
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
약물 재창출 방법 및 장치
[등록] 제 10 - 2739753 호 [출원번호] 제 10-2023-0164692 호
PONYTA: prioritization of phenotype-related genes from mouse KO events using PU learning on a biological network
ChemAP: predicting drug approval with chemical structures before clinical trial phase by leveraging multi-modal embedding space and knowledge distillation
Scientific Reports
DGDRP: drug-specific gene selection for drug response prediction via re-ranking through propagating and learning biological network
Frontiers in Genetics
선도물질 식별 방법 및 장치
Multi-layered Knowledge Graph Neural Network Reveals Pathway-level Agreement of Three Breast Cancer Multi-gene Assays
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Transfer Learning of Condition-Specific Perturbation in Gene Interactions Improves Drug Response Prediction
ISMB 2024
Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Graphs via Hierarchical Semantic Environments
CVPR 2024
DiSCO: Diffusion Schrödinger Bridge for Molecular Conformer Optimization
AAAI 2024
Dual Representation Learning for Predicting Drug-side Effect Frequency using Protein Target Information
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
약물 유발 간 독성 측정 장치 및 방법
[등록] 제 10-2686914호 [출원번호] 10-2023-0164693
[출원] 10-2023-0164692
GOAT: Gene-level biomarker discovery from multi-Omics data using graph ATtention neural network for eosinophilic asthma subtype
약물 조합 예측 장치 및 방법
[출원] 10-2023-0117536
A model-agnostic framework to enhance knowledge graph-based drug combination prediction with drug–drug interaction data and supervised contrastive learning
Briefings in Bioinformatics
화학적 유사성 네트워크 전파를 활용한 후보 물질 식별 장치 및 탐색 방법
[출원] 10-2023-0108279
AIVariant: a deep learning-based somatic variant detector for highly contaminated tumor samples
Experimental & Molecular Medicine
Exploring chemical space for lead identification by propagating on chemical similarity network
Clinical Note Owns its Hierarchy: Multi-Level Hypergraph Neural Networks for Patient-Level Representation Learning
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics